Smart Teacher Training Programme

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Education aims at making children capable of becoming responsible, productive and useful members of a society. Knowledge, skills and attitudes are built through learning experiences and opportunities created for learners in school. It is during the early school-age years that children begin to use the tools of their society with competence. In our culture, that typically means learning to read and write, calculate, and investigate. Children use books, writing instruments, and tools for studying scientific and social concepts. As digital technologies increasingly become the tools, technology is embedded into students’ lives, and students generally have positive inclinations toward technology, but the actual use of these devices in academics remains low, despite their increased prevalence. Information and Communication Technologies have recently gained groundswell of interest. Their nature has highly changed the face of education over the last few decades. This ICT helps the teacher to explain the abstract concepts and as well students to understand. This enhances the Teaching Learning process. And many different ICT programmes were implemented in the name of Computerization of Schools, Computer Education, ICT in schools etc.,in the schools across the India. But unfortunately these ICT programmes not so succeded in various states in India. But most of the teachers and Headmaster says that it was some company or agency's programme. This perception had gone into their minds because they were not involved in the programme. The basic objective of the ICT programme is to make the teachers to use the computers in the teaching and the children to in their learning processes . But the teacher did not use the Computers in his daily teaching as he was not taught how to use IT in class room teaching, how to prepare his lessons from different sources. The Programme was not successful because the Programme was not owned by the Head Master or teachers or children because they were not involved.

After considering all these issues Education Department of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Andra Pradesh with the support of UNICEF started the programme “Smart Teacher programme” in September – 2017. The primary objective of this programme is to empower the teacher with basic computer skills so as to enable him to make his own lessons as per the syllabus. This process of developing the lessons with the teacher’s personal involvement develops an ownership and adds an element of self pride in the teacher. The programme provides scope and space for the Teacher to add any new element/activity/picture at any time that he finds suitable for his students learning.

About the Smart Teacher Training Programme

Training for English Teachers of Telangana

Training for Social Studies Teacher of Telangana

Intensive training for selected Teachers of Telangana

Training for Teachers of Andhra Pradesh KGBV schools and MJPAPBCWREI schools

Physical Science


Spell No From To
1 11/09/2017 15/09/2017
2 30/10/2017 03/11/2017
3 27/11/2017 01/12/2017


Participants profile

In this training programme two department teachers participated Kasthuribha Gandhi Balika Vidyalayalu (KGBV) and BE welfare society. To know more about participants-profile


Topics identified for resource creation

Sample Resource Content Created


Biological Science


Spell From To
1 03/10/2017 07/10/2017
2 06/11/2017 10/11/2017
3 04/12/2017 08/12/2017


Participants profile

In this training programme two department teachers participated Kasthuribha Gandhi Balika Vidyalayalu (KGBV) and BE welfare society. To know more about participants-profile


Topics identified for resource creation

In the training programme participants are asked to plan digital lessons grids, so that they can have brief idea on target digital content which they need to do in future. Resources indentified

Sample Resource Content Created


Social Studies



Participants profile

In this training programme two department teachers participated Kasthuribha Gandhi Balika Vidyalayalu (KGBV) and BE welfare society. To know more about participants-profile


Topics identified for resource creation

Sample Resource Content Created





Participants profile

In this training programme two department teachers participated Kasthuribha Gandhi Balika Vidyalayalu (KGBV) and BE welfare society. To know more about participants-profile


Topics identified for resource creation

Sample Resource Content Created
